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Welcome to the amazing range of services and package tours of NEC Travels & Tours P Ltd. We are happy with your visit to our website and look forward to welcoming you to any of our travel sites as well! Come and explore with us the majestic mountains, the ancient old monasteries and temples, and meet extraordinary people in remote regions. Trek with us to green valleys, the last Shangri-La, picturesque little towns, and discover your inner self along the way.
Madan Adhikari (Managing Director)
Satghumti, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Fax: 00 977-1-4700771
Msn: Skype : adhikarimadan
Whats App/Imo/viber : 009779841281454
Rama Regmi (ED)
Mailing address:'Satghumti, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 00977 - 9849565280
Fax: 00 977-1-4700771
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